Saturday, December 01, 2012

JOY TO THE WORLD (Not just part of it)

"Merry Christmas" from Kona
There has started, on Facebook and other social media sites, the annual "bashing of Holiday Greetings" ritual. I believe in 'live and let live', including tolerating & accepting the prejudice and small-mindedness of others. They are who they are, and as long as they don't interfere with my life, I usually offer no opinion. If you're wondering where this is going, please read on.

I don't usually weigh in on social issues, but this is the one time of the year when I believe people should try to get a grip on their pettiness, narrow-mindedness, and prejudices. The truth is, that this IS the Holiday Season. Always has been, and hopefully, always will be. It is the SEASON of brotherhood, understanding, and sharing our bountiful gifts with others. ALL OTHERS. Not just those who look like us, or believe what we believe. Of all times of year, now is the time to exchange wishes, of good will and joy with all mankind. It's not about YOU. It's about mankind. Please bury your prejudices and give/accept ANY Holiday greeting offered. Putting aside our differences is the common thread of every holiday being celebrated during this all inclusive holiday season. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE! Whatever your faith or nationality happens to call this blessed time of year.
If you see me on line, in line, or walking through the Worm Gear Mall, greet me any way you please.  I'll smile and return your greeting with a genuine Holiday Greeting of my own.  I'll try to tailor it to your preferences, but If I say "Happy Holidays", I hope you'll understand that a genuine expression of good will and friendship, are being extended to you and your loved ones.  
From me and my family,
Enjoy the best Holiday Season of your life!

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