Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Charlie Imes H/C "Happened"!

     By now, through other postings on other sites, blogs, and facebook pages, most everyone who follows me and my scribbling, or my radio program on "The Shore Radio" (, knows that the Charlie Imes house concert happened in Sanitaria Springs, NY on October 4, 2014.
     What you may not know is that it was truly a "Happening".  Nothing like this had ever hit the wide spot in the road known as Sanitaria Springs, and it hit like a sunny day in the middle of an Upstate NY February.
     Charlie was the hit of the year in our town, and left everyone wanting more house concerts, and definitely a lot more of Charlie Imes music.
     I want to thank everyone who had anything at all to do with this fine event, from the bottom of my heart.  From the facebook followers who helped us spread the word, to the rental company who provided the nicely padded chairs the made the guests so comfortable, it all came together to make a fantastic show.
     Next Spring, we plan to bring another artist in from the far reaches of the US, and then end the summer again in 2015 with another "Summer Encore".  Hopefully, we'll be able to bring a variety of artists in for "Summer Encore '15", and really blow the lid of this little podunk town.
     Again.  Thanks everyone, especially Charlie Imes, for bringing so much pleasure and joy to our band of Trop Rock aficionados, here in Southern Upstate NY.

Charlie & his new buddy, Kona

You can contact Charlie at:, or his website at: