Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Happy New Year!

     As I write this, it's the first week of a shining new year.  There are 51 weeks of 2013 left.  It's a blank page!  We stand at the brink.  No matter who we are, or where we're coming from, we have a chance to write our own story.  We have the golden opportunity of making the best of the coming year that we are able to, within our individual limitations.

      I want to urge one and all, to join me in putting 100% of 2012, behind.  Whatever your successes or failures last year, it doesn't matter.  Don't gloat or dwell.  This is a chance to start fresh.  If  your past year was filled with triumph and successes, congratulations.  Think of the even bigger possibilities that are now available.  Success and achievement has given you the confidence and experience to really get out there and kick some ass!  Do it!

     If your life really sucked in 2012, take heart.  You're facing the same blank page as those who had a great year.  You too, have been given the opportunity to learn from your experiences.  Even if you consider them to have been failures.  Think about that a minute.  Do you really want to make those same old mistakes all over again?  Remember, one of the looser definitions of insanity is 'repeating an action over and over, and expecting a different outcome'.  So, I'll ask you:  Are you friggin' crazy?  Get it together.  Suck it up, and make use of this fresh start.  It's the same one everyone gets, and there's no charge!

     To all my friends, fellow bloggers, Trop Rockers, "The Shore" listeners, and even those who wish I'd just crawl off and croak.....  HAPPY NEW YEAR, Y'ALL!  HERE'S TO EVERY SUCCESS YOU HAVE THE WILES TO BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL!  

     One final thought.  Stolen successes are the sweetest!

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