Monday, December 13, 2010

Stepping Up at Christmas

There's a big storm blowing it's way up the coast

It'll be here today and it's kids who'll cheer the most.

Around here they close down the schools at first sign

Of a snowflake flying in the air, no matter how benign.

Today's the biggest Internet shopping day of the year.

We'll go online to order and they'll ship 'em over here.

With the hard part of Christmas all but in the bag

We've little else to do so time will start to lag.

There's time to think about what Christmas means to me

Kicked back with feet up, admiring the decked out tree.

My wish for this Holiday Season is that at least a few

People will take the time to consider me and you.

Did you do something charitable for your fellow man?

Did you pass the Salvation pot putting naught in the can?

How about that handicapped parking space out front of the store?

Did you put the Buick in it to scorn the crippled and the sore?

How about that neighbor who couldn't find his cat?

Did anyone help him? Did they think to do that?

The family on the back street has no smoke coming out

Of their bent little chimney and it's rusted little spout.

Will someone stop by houses on the other side of town

To ask the better off to lay a few dollars down.

It's one less eight dollar drink with the office crowd

A gesture that will make your heart very very proud.

It's Christmas time! Draw you loved ones warmly near.

Give a little more, dear ones, it's only once a year

It's Christmas time! Let's do the most we can.

To love each other freely and bring joy to every man.

It's Christmas time! You say you can't do very much?

Just give a little of yourself to everyone you touch.

A Gnarly Pyrate (Yo! Ho! Ho!)

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Very nice Don and so true.