Sunday, December 29, 2013


     Everybody already knows that this week, 2013 is ending and 2014 is beginning. Since there's nothing newsworthy there, let's just think about it a bit.
On the international level this year, there was the continuing wars, pestilence, starvation, and misery in all nations, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, world. 
     Even here in the USA, there's unspeakable misery in so many areas, it's no longer news. In the US, our supposed leaders nearly brought us to our knees for the umpteenth time in a very short while. It didn't seem that they were even slightly looking out for us, the people who pay them to be sure all is well in our government and nation.
      As every year, people were cruel and inhuman to one another, and cruel and inhumane to their animals. I don't see a lessening of those behaviors, and definitely no end in sight.
      The preachers preach, the politicians expound, and nothing really changes in the way too damn many humans respect nothing outside of themselves. They don't even respect themselves.
      It's time for a change. It's been that time for years. “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”, said Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. It's up to each of us to take the first step toward changing the world. To affect that change, we must start here and now.
      How does an individual make any difference? An easy question with what must be a complex answer.
Not so complex, maybe. I'm not going to tell you it's an easy thing to do. It may mean stepping outside of your own comfort zone, and changing some of your own ways. It may even mean nudging people you know, and perhaps some strangers, to do the right thing.
      Sure, I or anyone else can suggest this to you. It doesn't matter an iota, what we say. It must, and can, only come from within. Even if you don't normally make a New Years resolution, each of us has to resolve to be kinder to everyone we encounter. We have to be determined to help our 'brothers and sisters' whomever they are, if they need a hand. We must immediately learn tolerance of differences and traits we've previously been unable to condone. We must not attempt to force our ideals and morals on others. Mostly, we have to learn to, and strive to, live our lives according to the one simple rule we all learned as children: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
      Wouldn't it be a so much better world if we all did that?
      Please join me in reinstating that ancient adage, and let's try our best to live it on a daily basis.
If you see me straying from that philosophy, feel free to remind me.
      Now, as the calendar changes years, I'd like you to join me in wishing everyone in your life, as far as you can reach, a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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