Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Cinco de Mayo Party @ McGirk's


       Battle of Puebla, May 5, 1862

Cinco de Mayo
Important to Americans, but not what you may think.

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "Fifth of May") is a celebration held interestingly enough, on May 5th. It is celebrated in the United States and regionally in Mexico, primarily in the state of Puebla, where the holiday is called El Día de la Batalla de Puebla (English: The Day of the Battle of Puebla). The date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride, and to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War. In the state of Puebla, the date is observed to commemorate the Mexican Army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin General Zaragosa, the leader at La Batalla de Puebla, was born in Texas while it was still part of México.  For this reason, he is considered by many to be the first Chicano hero.  Some scholars, including José Antonio Burciaga, believe that had the French defeated México at Puebla, France would have aided the South in the American Civil War in order to free Southern ports of the Union Blockade.  During this time, Confederate General Robert E. Lee was enjoying success, and French intervention could have had an impact on the Civil War.  It seems that even people not of Mexican descent may also have an indirect reason to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.  Whatever the case may be, people should realize that this holiday does have some historical and cultural significance to millions of people.  Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Daythe most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico—which is celebrated on September 16.

Binghamton's 2013 Cinco de Mayo celebration starts at 2:00 PM, May 5th, at McGirk's Irish Pub, 1 Kattelville Road (Chenango Bridge), Binghamton, NY.
Admission is free, and everyone is invited.  Bring the family, or your favorite senor or senorita, and enjoy the first big party of Spring 2013. 

Please bring a donation of non-perishable food or cash, for the Broome County Catholic Charities Food Pantry.
NOTE: This article is mostly stolen from Wikipedia and other sources.


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