I have decided to change the template of this blog to give it a completely different look than my other blog. This one is dedicated to my personal life, likes, bitches, pleasures, travels, and the occasional story. The other one is more oriented to Pirates of the Susquehanna, Parrot Head Club discussions, news, and verbal meanderings.
I think my readers will enjoy the change and find it easier to differentiate between the two forums. As always, I welcome all the readers I can get. Please tell others about this URL if you think anything you read here will amuse or interest them. I'm following this entry with the only Christmas story I've ever written. Its about an elf named Bob. Its brand new and, I'm sure, original. I hope it will entertain you and encourage you to share the blog to your friends and enemies. Sending it to your enemies will really piss them off, so just do it! There's another 'first'. I've added some graphics to the text in the Christmas story. I hope they show up as expected and add something to the storyline.
I solicit and welcome your comments. Please use this blog to respond to anything you see. I promise to post every response, positive, negative, or profane.
Thank you for sticking with me in 2009, and let's all wish for a more prosperous, prolific, and exciting 2010.
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