"Just look at the fool! There he is! Out on his deck for the second day in a row. I don't think he's doing anything! A month ago he was at his menial task, reaping his pathetic pittance and thinking he's atop the heap. Just look at him now!"
It's a different reality he's gotten himself into these days. Now it's listen to Radio Margaritaville out on the deck, bloggin' away at full hunt-n-peck, and suck' down these 'boat drinks' as fast as that broken down old blender can spit 'em out.
Ok, the blog doesn't make much sense in that tequila soaked haze, but how can you tell? He's still waiting for the honeymoon to teeter to an end. He'll go back to work (in his own way) in due time. Meanwhile, he's still adjusting to having only one boss. The infamous "She Who Will Be Obeyed", who was unaware herself of how many tasks she wanted to assign him daily. He says he doesn't mind a 'honey do' list, but hey! Where's the honey?
Yes, Lizzy, the time is coming soon when he'll be up and dancing. Get in line, dah-lin'! It's shorter all the time.
What he was doing and having a ball with, is something he challenges the gormless blog-o-phile in you dear reader, to give a shot. Think about your favorite tune. Now go ahead and write down a brand new verse to it. Oh yes. You can do it. It doesn't have to be good, salable, or even make any sense. Once you have an idea in your head, go right ahead and put it on paper. It doesn't do any good to just change a word here and there. Be original. Really go for it! Really!
Now, you feel 100% better don't you? That's the therapeutic value of the rush of creative juices flowing through your fingers.
Once you have it in writing, send it along to the old bloggmeister (me, bonehead) and let's see your stuff.
Meanwhile, He's left thinking about a quote from Saturday Night Live from many years ago. He'll alter Chevy Chase's famous line, as he sits there chillin' on the deck on a Sunday. "I'm retired and you're not!"
It really is all that! And a Margarita! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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