Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A helluva note!

The front page of the Press Sun-Bulletin last Saturday was some kind of joke. A world full of news that effects each and every one of us pushed off the headline, below the fold, and into the bowles of the paper. What was the important issue which neaded the full attention of the entire readership of the local Gannett rag? Some kid is a race car driver! Large color spread on Page 1, newsworthy.
He's gonna be the 'next Jeff Gordon' they shout. We'll see about that. You know about the thousands of high school quarterbacks graduating into anonymity every spring? You know the tens of thousands of drivers out there in go carts, midgets, and street stocks wishing for stardom. It goes on and on, and it is unlikely to end up a pot of gold at the end of some rainbow powered by Jack Rousch, the coach, or even Bill Davis.
It's not like there wasn't newsworthy issues in the world. There's the latest carnage in Iraq, 2 school shootings (at that time, now there's another one in Pennsylvania), and the political morass and obfuscation currently permeating the grey matter of Americans. There were plenty of good deeds done, I'm sure, which could have been hearlded and exposed for the glory they deserve. Where were they?
Hats off to the Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin. For putting a 4th page Sports Section story on the front page, above the fold, they win the North of Disorder "Rusty Ignoramous" Award. Bravo! Encore!

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