Out and about today, or maybe yesterday, I couldn't help but observe all the unjudged people milling here and there. I went to CVS and there were the rampant unjudged. Sauntered over to Giant Market to seek out some supplies, and you guessed it: Unjudged everywhere!
It appears that more people should stop advising others to "don't judge me"! Maybe more people should give in to the conservative notion of judging and put that shoddy old liberalism behind them.
In CVS, the old ladies were teaaring down the house to get to the items in the coupon/sale flier. Rudeness prevailed, and my already frail and healing body was buffetted to and fro like a corked bottle on the high seas. Barely escaping the household goods shelves, I sought the serenity of the checkout counter. Here was little better. The cashier/associate was deeply engrossed in conversation about Friday night's club scene with another non-working 'associate', to take my money and give me correct change. This when the exact amount they need to hand back is flashing in LED before their very eyes! My God! Is it the green and blue fading into orange in her hair, or her exposed and pierced navel that has her distracted to this point? I fully doubt it's either. Probably her parents didn't judge her properly, as someone needy for remedial manner and work ethic training. Maybe fewer hours on the olde "My Space" and more time "face to face" would have turned the trick.
Escaping CVS with my chocolate, expensive pills, bag full of bandages, and little patience remaining, I still needed limes and spices for my Jamaican dinner. Off across the lot to Giant. Right at the door I knew it was going downhill fast. Teetering through the transome at full hobble, leaning on the jam for support for my pain wracked body, here comes this warp speed soccer mom with a creaking shopping cart laden with about e small incidental items in one tiny plastic bag. Too late! She's heading straight for me, yelling into her blue tooth equipped ear, "you better not have poured that down the toilet, that was you and your father's dinner"!
I'm thinking, "she can see I can't get out of her way. She's gonna have to stop or turn"! NOT!
There I am, flying backward from the sharp blow of a shopping cart to the fresh gizzard removal area, wondering if Jamaican food was worth the pain. Who failed to judge that woman? Whoever it is/was did her and the rest of society a huge disservice. Her psuedo apologetic "didn't see ya", was the icing on the cake, spread on thinly as she continued afterburner lit, undaunted, unembarrassed, and unstoppable, straight to the Caravan waiting in the handicapped parking spot nearest the door.
Oh yes, I judged those people. I judged them to be mindless buffoons. Too late, though. Throughout the years leading up to my encounter with this mob, parents, siblings, peers, employers, and teachers should have done the job.
"Judge not lest ye be judged", tho olde saw goes. I have a thought: "Judge others and let them know your feelings, before they are beyond civility". Not their race, religion, occupation, or insanity. Just judge their interaction with society. It'll do everyone a lot of good.