Did you ever wonder where all the motivation went? Why is it more and more people seem to need a swift kick in the pants to get themselves moving. Regardless of what they're supposed to be doing, be it their job, civic responsibilities, friendship maintenence, or family life, people seem less and less likely to join in and step up to the plate.
Sure, it's easier to lay back and watch the world go by. Hey, pop another brewski and pass the popcorn! From a spectator's position it's lots easier to criticise, and in the process of doing nothing, you've left nothing for anyone to be critical of. You can always claim you're gathering info so you can spring instantly into the fray at any moment. Let's see 'em prove you aren't.
Motivation. Where does it come from? I know where I get mine. Let em know where you get yours. All of us here North of Disorder are dying to know. However, we don't want to have to go out and find out for ourselves.
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