Merry Christmas!
If you happen to be a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Wicken, or some other religion, please consider this as just a friendly greeting. I still wish you the best of everything you may be looking for. I hope this Christmas Letter finds you in good health, good spirits, and with a tasty beverage of your choosing in hand. In any case, cinch up that shoulder harness and hang on for the ride.
2007 has been a year. A year about like '06, '05, '04, and so forth. Those are the ones I can recall, so if your memories of us are prior to that, you know better than I, what kind of years we've had. They've all been successful trips around the sun, or we wouldn't be here to tell the tale.
All the kids who should be working are. The Marine is still a Marine, the student is still in high school, and absorbing only what she wants, not what they want her to. Good luck to the NY public education system, on that. She's probably not the first red head they've had to deal with. On the adult level, Meg and I are still grateful to the taxpayers of NY for providing us cushy benefit laden jobs to help absorb those tax dollars.
All our beasts continued their free rides in 2007, giving plenty of warm and furry love in return for the comfort we provide. It makes one wonder why they have to be so snooty and controlling, given their apparent lack of goals. Even the critters that make noises at night seem content as they've not been waking us up too much lately. Life is good in Sanitaria Springs! There is some question. however, regarding the night critters. My therapist says they could be in my head and he should know. He's beginning to repay me the $50.00 I lent him to get his Internet degree, so I'm certain of his qualifications. He makes Dr. Phil seem like a loudmouth red neck. Wait! Dr. Phil is a loudmouth red neck.
So far this year, sadly, no geniuses have been revealed to be sitting on the branches of our family tree. No international awards have been received, no huge promotions or renowned accomplishments heralded, and we still haven't won the lottery. We have, however, had three lovely short vacations south of the boarder. Once to Easton, once to Wilkes-Barre, and the infamous St. Clair fiasco. That was some conga line, but we may never be allowed to drive through Schuylkill County again. At least PA citizens now know how we party in NY, and we're fairly sure they'll rebuild St. Clair and forget about the whole sordid affair in time.
So, our dear friends, have a truly great Christmas and New Year 2008! Don't forget to designate a driver you trust. It really sucks to be found in a pink tutu, a big bow strapped to your butt, at 3:30 AM, on your boss' lawn. It's a humiliation you don't need, believe me. I'll leave you with that bit of advice as our gift to you for Christmas '07. Enjoy!
The Winfield Family