Quite the nautical greeting, eh? Well, a Pirate needs to be a little naughty in his greeting, don'cha think? It was Summer on Wednesday, but by Friday Fall fell like a ton of bricks. It's Saturday. It's 45 degrees F, and I'm running the furnace. In perspective, I had to sleep with the A/C on several nights earlier this week. Hummm.....upstate NY in the autumn.
I got to see my brother Ron and his lovely wife Mitzie last week. Unremarkable, except that the last sighting was around the end of the sixties or mid 1970. I guess we're a private family. The occasional Christmas card or call when our oldest brother "Moose" is having a crisis in sunny Florida, is all we hear from R & M. It was truly wonderful to see and hear them. It was a whirlwind 1.5 hours with very fast catching up on 3.5 decades. I suppose all families are like this, but I'm only in one, so I'm not sure.
My son Chris and my favorite daughter-in-law Jaime, have settled into their new home in Rome, NY. New in the sense that I think of a new place. It's probably 100+ years of age, but new to them. I hear there is a lot of stuff to do with it, but I think that's a large part of the charm of an older home.
Ashley was in a horse show last weekend. Won prizes in quite a few categories in both English and Western, including an overall first in her class. Proud? Can't button my shirt or get my hat to fit! Next Saturday, she's at it again, and once again it's while I'm at work. Her mom, Pat, and possibly Heather and Lindsay will go and watch her awhile. I hope so, as she can use the encouragement. We all can use some of that now and then.
Ben just made Sargent. I haven't seen him in his stripes, but maybe he'll send a pic and I'll share it on the olde blog.
I'll end with the thought that Meg, Heather, Lindsay, and Dylan all worked the environmental clean up of the Susquehanna River, last weekend. I'm attaching a pic or two of that, for the readers' enjoyment.
Until the next time I get ambitious, have a great Fall!