It's 5:15 AM in Murphyville and the day needs to be set into motion. I need to do a lot of loud barking and continue 'til dad comes downstairs and hoots at me to "shut up, Murph"! Ah, there he comes now, I'll just keep barking while he goes to the bathroom for his wake-up relief. Now, if I groan and squeak loudly, he'll remember it's time to feed the dog.
Wait! I better go to the door and bark a few quick bursts. He probably doesn't remember that I need to visit the lawn for a few seconds before I start breakfast.
Ah, that's better. Now, I can eat in peace. Boy, dad, that coffee sure smells good. If I watch carefully and never let that cup get more than 8 inches away from my face, some of that might jump out of the cup and into my mouth. He knows I love coffee. Sure, dad wants to look at the paper, but I can make it easier for him if my face is between him and the print. I have to keep him in touch with drool. The constant dodging of my beak and wet face keep dad alert and ready for whatever the day might throw at him. He thinks the puzzle will sharpen him up for the day, but I know it's my face in his business that works best. I wonder why dad stopped having breakfast before heading to work? Hummmmm...........
Oh oh! Here comes mom! Gotta bark real loud so she knows I'm still here! Gotta start her day off with a bang too!
May 26, 2007, 6:05 AM - It's been a few months since this blog was started, but 'being Murphy' only becomes more and more interesting. This morning, though Ashley is in Canada on a school trip, Murf dutifully went over to the stair door, stood really close, and barked really loudly! It's time for Ash to be coming down those stairs and she better be ready to pet the dog! That's Murphy's view of the situation, and he's sticking to it no matter what!